Ductless AC & Heating

Ductless AC & Heating

Are you considering going ductless? Ductless HVAC systems, also called mini-split systems, have many benefits for both home and commercial use. Global HVAC Inc. provides ductless AC and heating installation and system replacement for our customers. With over two decades of experience, we are well-versed in the pros and cons of these systems and can help you decide if a mini-split system is the right choice for your particular comfort needs. 

What Is a Ductless System?

A ductless system can be an excellent choice for rooms where it would be difficult or expensive to install central air and heat, such as home additions, garages and sunrooms. Instead of installing a window unit, which can be noisy and inefficient due to letting outside air in, ductless AC systems mount to the wall (or even floors and ceilings) inside and connect to a compressor outside. Mini-split systems allow each room to have greater control over the temperature, making them a worthy consideration for offices, studios and in-law suites.

The Benefits of Going Ductless

Ductless AC and heating systems have many benefits. Not only do they allow greater temperature control, they are also quiet and energy-efficient. Although they have a greater upfront cost, the benefits in energy savings and greater comfort often make the investment worth it for homeowners and business owners. You can even connect several ductless units to one compressor, and you won’t have to worry about cleaning and maintaining ductwork with these systems.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

Is a ductless AC or heating system the right choice for your comfort needs? Find out by contacting Global HVAC Inc. to book a consultation and estimate at (706) 654-4808. You can also submit our online contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.